Design to empower

I’m Dan, a Senior Product Designer and Principal User Researcher with over a decade of experience.

I strive to understand customers and remove pain points in their journey while leading cross-functional research and design processes.

An Easier Start – Scarlett 4th Gen Easy Start

Making a labyrinth a walk in the park

Redesigning a Generation

How I worked brought the Scarlett 4th Gen range to the new generation of musicians and content creators

Helping thousands of musicians mix fast

AI-powered mixing for all.

An audio plugin for EQ.

A Safe Hub

Software that speaks the language of Podcasters.

Enabling the world’s podcasters to create with ease

Creating a next-generation podcasting interface.

An audio interface with 3 dials and 6 buttons.
The Magoosh app, with a section allowing people to choose which words to study.

How to make a text-based app engaging

A redesign of a useful app—just for fun.

My design and research processes

What I do and how I do it?

A riff on the traditional disability icon of a person in a wheelchair. This person in their chair has their arms in an active state as they appear to be racing along at high speed.

Experience for Everyone

How I’m trying to help make the world a more accessible place

Making it personal

What’s the difference between a persona and a segment?

A collection of images showing a variety of projects in low and high fidelity drawings.

Want to see more?

More projects from my career to date.