FAST Plugins

The Focusrite FAST plug-ins are a suite of audio software tools designed to help those with less experience with music mixing. Their goal is to aid in the correct setting of parameters for an improved mix, based on AI and Machine Learning Algorithms.

My Role

Member of UX design duo

Lead on unique UI innovations

Visual deisgn and style guide

An audio plugin. On the left are buttons to trigger the learn process for the plugin to listen to the audio. On the right is a visualization for control of reverb settings: Time, Position, Width, Pre-Delay. The visualization uses live-generated particles to show the reverb.


I developed the UX, Interaction Design, and UX Copy in collaboration with another UX designer.

Below, an example of an early wireframe I built in Axure showing interactions of the ‘flavors’ settings.

A GIF of showing an early Fast-EQ Wireframe. There are 5 bands of EQ, each with a slider.


Multiple test sessions were conducted, including unmoderated tests using video captures of the prototype. Tests were built to test participants’ responses without leading questions and to fully understand their interpretation.

Below are two Compression approaches, including an early prototype. The final chosen design (right) uses a unique visualization that I defined acting on current and past data to give the user a clear understanding of the impact of their choices, never seen before in another audio plug-in.

Visual Design Process

I lead a cross-departmental review process with key stakeholders to agree on the visual design that best represented the brand and goals of the product.

Below, see some of the iterations I created in Sketch prior to the final design.

An early mockup of the Fast EQ plug-in
My personal favorite – The Black & Gold EQ
An early mockup of the Fast EQ plug-in

In Use

GIF of FAST EQ in use. The main bands are adjusted, which make chages to the learned EQ curve.
GIF of FAST Compressor Learning function
FAST Compressor learning function
GIF of FAST Compressor in use. The compression amount is adjusted and the visualization updates to show this.
FAST Compressor in use

The Collective

The Focusrite FAST plug-ins are sold and distributed as part of The Collective.

I have worked with the team to better understand the sales funnel and customer needs that have arisen since launch, defining areas of improvement and iteration.

Image of The Collective website front page
The Focusrite Collective website